Sim Wei Qiang (Daryll)
Graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts 2009/ Dip/Interior Design
Designation Interior Designer

★Backpack around the World esp Spain
★Golden Retriever
★An Oven
★A Dessert Cookbook
★Crumpler Bag
★Adopt A Child
★Be really Happy

My Stories..
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010


Bow wow..=)

Puppy Gifts
ah rui


what does your birth month say about u?
FEBRUARY: Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexy. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness and challenges. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.
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Friday, June 30, 2006
Albums of the week

It's been quite a long time since i recommend good here they are..


告诉自己不准哭,在他 (她) 面前,是胜利?是苦?还是残留的在乎?




敢 爱敢恨,直接爽快;她不太乖,却也不是坏,只是不喜欢按照规矩慢慢来!她的可爱是因为真性情而来,而不是粉红摇摆的小甜甜可爱!她哭或笑,都情绪的很直 接,她是小女孩,也是小女人懂得用力去爱,早上三点半的时间,她不是早起,是还没睡,挂着黑眼圈,她不介意美不美,急着想分享 On Line Game!她是去年二十岁的女生,同恩。于是,新专辑拉回卧室拍摄,让你更清楚看见她的真,重新再次自我介绍“同恩”。


01 不准哭 (My Girl 片头曲)

02 一下下 (椎心版)

03 受伤的提琴手

04 不懂

05 在你眼里 (地下铁片尾曲)

06 三点半

07 一个人的遗憾 (夜半歌声片尾曲)

08 悲伤作业

09 若无其事

10 相爱 (夜半歌声插曲) - 同恩/范逸臣

11 一下下


12 Beautiful Lie



即将在6月23日推出新专辑「花言巧语」的Sweety,唱片发行差点难产?由于三立「爱情魔法师」收视长红,应观众要求,延长集数,造成乔乔戏 剧唱片两头忙,急得唱片公司主管猛跳脚,经纪公司也扮演起帮忙抢人的角色!为了唱片的催生,两人百忙之中做了最新的造型,只为让歌迷有耳目一新的感受!为 了庆祝18岁这个美丽的年纪,SWEETY特别在自己出道五年尝试了新的造型,乔乔因为「爱情魔法师」的走红,发型依旧维持俏丽的短发,服装则开始展现小 女人妩媚的风采;言言则让造型师在头发上变魔术,染了一头金黄色的长发,同样穿起裙装式上衣,似乎也宣示了成年的主张!新专辑的封 面造型是名造型师陈孙华为SWEETY特别量身制作的,在造型师的巧手改造下,蓬蓬的蛋糕裙化成了妩媚的上衣,改造后的裙式上衣穿在言言、乔乔的身上却是 性感得恰到好处,一种甜美的娃娃装,保有小女孩的纯真,让照片呈现出来的效果好得不得了,也苦了唱片公司选择封面时伤透脑筋,还在网络上开放歌迷帮忙票 选,眼看发片在即,「花言巧语」的封面却迟迟还未决定,设计师从几百张照片中精挑细选,只为了让歌迷收藏 SWEETY 成长代表作的最佳封面!




02.花言巧语 (男声: 陈奕)







Thursday, June 29, 2006
World Cup Fever Up

Tomorrow is the start of World Cup quarter finals...Shiqing plans to invite everyone to his house and watch world cup together...I will be having late afternoon lesson tomorrow, so i guess i will just go there after school...or maybe not..might meet up with cc and go together..shiqing plans to meet 8pm at tanah merah for dinner i think the timin shd be just nice.. =D Lately i am quite into the channel 8 drama..Rhapsody of blues..It's a great, touching drama..I am quite sentimental to watch such drama or movies..It's not wrong for a guy to's just part of human nature...Beside this, i am also into Singapore idol 2 and Project runway 2 ..I admires gayle and jay's for project runway..i really like the clothes designed by nick...his design are simple yet elegent..

Got to finish my assignments already..better finished now or they will pile up into a mountain..hehe..


Wednesday, June 28, 2006
A DisHeartening Day..分手原来是那么绝情!!

It's sad so's a sad sad situation...i am getting more and more absurd...Breaking up is such a desperation when both party turns enemy and things go ugly... My brother just broken up with his girlfriend..My impression on her was good but she smokes, drinks, clubs and always climb on top of my brother... She is very demanding towards my brother...It's this called LOVE...i thought love is suppose to be giving in and not brother accept her for who she was but she took advantage and demand my brother to give in and does what she does..Nowadays, love is like plain drink it and that's it..easy come, easy go...Where is the everlasting love??..till death do us part?...I wondered....

Even after breaking up...i think people still can continue and be friends..why do people have to end up like enemies..Seeing how my brother's relationship end's really disheartening...Yesterday, my brother's GF came and demanded to get back everything that she bought for my brother...she also returned the things my bro bought for her...My brother and her also opened up a joint account together...she also demand to have her shares back...Why does love always have to link with money?..I hate this...People are so blinded by money...



Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I feel lethargic today...heavy head and sore throat...Must have overworked myself yesterday..Sorry need to rest..My brain is not functioning well today..Everything just seems so wrong..

Monday, June 26, 2006

Yesterday, i went for movie with my sec classmates..spent most of my time doing completing my flying moose..Haha...I got this concept when i saw a keychain from someone's handbag..kind of cute and the struture looks simple to make also...the original one was without the wings..but i improvised it by adding wings..more cool unicorn..I went to meet yiyang 1st at JEC then we waited for zhihong's car..Haha..zhihong went to fetch jinming 1st before heading for us..So many of my friends got driving lisense..I am still a non-driver..hehe..actually i don't really like to drive..just like to sit inside a car and relax =P We went to suntec city to watch the movie garfield 2..because that is the only movie i haven't getting the tickets, we went to carl's junior to had our dinner...yiyang and zhihong are super eater...everytime we went out we always go to carl's junior and i wish i can eat like them..i want to become fatter..kind of ironic but yes i want to become FATTER...when we were eating hongjie arrived..he came for the movie quite last minute..

Garfield 2 was way better than the 1st one..At least the story plot is much better la..Haha..It's kind of cute having garfield as a pet...When i reached home it was just 11pm..just nice for the england match with's so dissapointing..although i knew the match will go like this...It's totally boring...I was supposed to sleep early because today morning got soccer and basketball with cc and the the end i still watch the match..i guess lesser sleep won't die la..

Oww..Rush Hour..

Today, i went to the area oppposite BPGHSS at around 830am..chitchin was the only one there..after a while more people came..i don't really know who he called..he only said that some are his the end, kai ,JR and victor came also..the rest were cc's friends..we played bb 1st before playing street's been quite long since i played bb and it was quite tiring...Haha...damn shagged..After the game, we went to lot 1 and had our lunch..i didn't really keep track of the time..until i realized it was kind of late aready..I rushed back home, took a quick shower...then rushed to the MRT station..Luckily i managed to reach there on time..a bit late la..Haha..but it's fun..I hope that shiqing and dezhi will fly back from japan soon..then we can go windsurf this weekend..It's been really long since i windsurf..about 2 months i think..I also want to learn diving but it's really ex...How i wish i can do anything i want without money issue...There is just too many things that i want to do...I think i must start to push myself to exercise more...even though i got no more fats to shed already...Haha..later left with just bones...



Sunday, June 25, 2006

Fun-filled day at Pasir Ris

Very tired now but still want to finish this blog 1st...Today is shira's birthday.. We planned to meet 12 noon at cathay cineleisure..When i reached there, i saw alvin and anthony walking towards somerset station..Hmm..Where are they going? In the end, i found out that they do not know where cineleisure is...-_-" We reached there 1st ..the gals said that they will meet us later so we decide to go have our lunch at LJS 1st.. When we were eating halfway,shihan and jac arrived followed by nora...After we finished we decide to go heeren instead to find a present for shira..Over there we shop around still waiting for wirda to came.. After she came, we went to new urban male to get a cool t-shirt for shira and another jacket at S&S..

After finished shopping, we took train to pasir shira's chalet..After a long ride, we arrived at shira's chalet and meet up with tezzle..We all decide to go rollerblading and cycling..For me, i chose rollerblading because i blade before...Haha...It's quite funny though..the roller blade cost $12 for 2 hrs while the bike coast $8 for 2 hrs..I thought cycling should cost more than rollerblading..Oh heck...nora, wirda, shihan, anthony and me decide to blade while tezzle and alvin decide to cycle..After blading for 30 mins... it started to rain..we quickly found a shelter and we took some pictures and played some games over there to kill the time..After about 30 mins..we continue to blade and cycle..It's quite fun after not blading for 6 years..Haha..very bad at least never fell down..but my ankle damn pain, maybe never tightened enough..

After 2 hrs, we went back to the chalet and had dinner..actually malay food are damn nice..I really like it very much..Delicious!!Mmm.. After filling our tummy, we went to the beach to relax, talk cock and took more photos..Haha..Recently just learnt photography's rule of third and we try to apply fun....when we slowly went back, we took more photos and something seems strange with the photos i of them seems to have a ghostly figure eerie..will post it later..the photo quite blur..but look carefully at the green was suppose to be just spotlight only...

Forget about it..we went back to the chalet and we started to tell lame jokes and play funny games...until it's time to celebrate shira's birthday..she going for her sweet 17...Happy birthday!!We talked until about 10pm before leaving the place...It's great to have our 1st half a class gathering..So fun..Hpoe that there will be more in future...=) Oooww..So tired..I think i go sleep already..=P
p.s actually that green figure is shira the birthday girl..Haha!! creepy..

Friday, June 23, 2006
Dramatic Days

This two days were rather dramatic in school...I got a classmate who is currently being condemned by practically the whole class...His name is roger, just turn 18..血气方刚..and really attitude problem for a small-sized guy like him..He said something yesterday that made himself an outcast now...let me tell the story..

Yesterday, we had ceramics and photography lessons..During the photography lesson, everything was going fine until roger starts to talk to another female classmate shira...Roger always like to talk nonsense and obscene words..they were talking about roger's age...although roger is 18 he looks more like 14...then roger started his nonsense..he started to say all the F words in front of shira for no u know that if u say that to a's actually quite rude and violating...Shira heard that, stood up and shouted at roger...this brings attention to the rest of the class..when the teacher asked roger what he said, he pretended that he didn't said anything..then shira insisited roger to say it out loud to the whole class so that other people knows...but roger remained silent...the rest of the classmate started to name roger as a coward..dare to say but dare not say it out the end he said it out softly...then everyone started to bombard him..He really pushed himself too much..玩过火
了... he didn't even bother to apolagize after saying that..

Today, everyone stayed away from him..he himself also felt that he is being condemn...serve him right.. It's his fault after all to say such things to a gal... Retribution...Today, he don't seems like himself because he was pretty quiet all day... 见过鬼..当然怕了..hope he can stop spouting nonsense and stop making fun of people in future..he needs to learn a lesson..

Tomorrow is shira's birthday...She invite the whole class to her chalet at pasir ris..except for roger..So basically, i will be meeting my classmate at noon to buy present for shira before heading over to pasir ris and rollerblade or cycle before going to shira's chalet which is at 4pm..Will be kind of 1st gathering with my class..Haha..should be fun..


Tuesday, June 20, 2006
天天火锅 2- The Reunion

Oh yeah..Finally got my Robbie William-Close Encounter Concert tickets today at bugis sistic..I got the $80 free seating one..For the free standing is $100...Lesson on tuesday is always the worst day..I woke up late today and rush to school having breakfast on the way..In the end, i found out that i was still 20 mins early..Got lucky as i got on the direct train to bugis without having to change at JE.. The 3 hours break in between was rather hard to kill...not too long and not too short to do anything...Luckily, there is still life drawing today...I always like to attend drawing lessons..It's the fastest way to end the 3 hour lesson because u can keep drawing...Haha...

The lesson ended 15 mins basically i got 1hr+ before meeting jianhao, junren, wenhao, chunhoo, tze guan and chit chin for a dinner yet again at 天天火锅..Haohan was there at the MRT also but he was not feeling well...i think he pia to much already..Health is more important haohan..Take care of yourself..During the 1 hour break, i went to Bras Basah to search for chunhoo's guan liang's scoresheets..After that i went to Art Friend and bought another copic's really expensive so basically i would buy one colour each week...I headed back to Bugis and i saw this new japanese ice-cream stall..Uzumaki..It got a lot of new flavours ice-cream, like green tea, wasabi etc..In the end i bought the chocoholic( chocolate ice-cream with chocalate chips) bacause the other flavours were sold out..Hoe to try other flavours next time...Okie back to the dinner...I think the last time we ate at 天天火锅 was in april...Haha..That time i am still working at CPF...It's kind of like another reunion dinner after 2 that there will be more gatherings like's good to just gather and talk cock sing song since everyone are doing different things now...

5 more months to Robbie williams concert...that is really long...Aiyoh...Anyone wants to join me?..Haha..=D


Monday, June 19, 2006
Giant Squid!

I saw giant squid today...haha! The movie is so typical..pure gore..and normal plot..Oh i still have not said the movie title..It's Slither..Chunhoo, Mingzhi and i went to PS to watch slither..I met up with them after school..It was quite near..Mingzhi took half day off from work jus to watch the movie with us...He sure is hardcore movie fan..Haha!! I am not bad as well.. =P

Slither is like a combination af Alien + Land of the Dead.. It's just so gory..lots of blood..with some scenes of sudden shock..Overall, it's kind of like the horror version of scary movie..Haha..Arhhh!!..i forgot to get my tickets for Robbie William's Close encounter concert ticket...Hope it's not sold out tomorrow...I think i will be taking the sitting one..I hate the feeling of squeezing with others..I will get headache easily..Luckily there is one sistic counter at bugis..more convenient for me..

Okay, for my lesson today...we touch on metals..Using metal wire to form shapes..I am quite bad at metalworks...I just cannot seems to form the joints firmly...My fingers got cuts all overand it's hurting like hell..Never mind i will perservere till my last drop of blood...=D Then i will become Giant Squid!! =P


A Normal yet Heartwarming Fathers' Day

Yesterday was Father's day.. Fathers' Day were suppose to be special day for all fathers but not for mine..My father hates high-class restuarant food..He prefers to eat at those neighbourhood seafood restuarant..Therefore every year, we will bring our father to nieghbourhood restuarant and had our meal..My father go for both quantity and quality food..His favourite dish was curry fishhead..It's always a must when we had our dinner outside...For this year, the menu was fried sambal kangkong, curry fishhead, braised pork, fried yam with assorted vegetables and black pepper crabs..

Actually i also like to eat at neighbourhood restuarant..They gave a warm and cosy feeling...just like home..The price are also reasonable..My favourite dish is actually sambal kangkong..I never fail to order this whenever we eat outside...I also love curry..any curry..they gave a spice to my life...Haha..! We don't really need to spend alot for such occasion..A simple dinner can be as heartwarming...It's the thoughts that counts..


Saturday, June 17, 2006
Way too tired...

Today, it's just too tired...i need some rest...serious rest...After some serious rest..still need to get back to more drawing..zzzz..deadbeat =X

Figuring RV..'s 17th already..Yesterday, had my figure drawing lessons..I am getting more and more interested in figure fun..Human body is such magnificient.. After that, i head to douby guat to meet up with hongjoo...He reached PS at 6pm but on thursday i did state 630pm..i meet him at 630pm...mingzhi was working and he meet us at around 7pm..followed by andrew..ya andrew is back on holiday for 1 month..time really flies...still impression that i just saw him not long ago..Haha..

After we all met , we decided to go ajisen ramen to had our dinner..i was kind of craving for aji tei..long time never had japanese sushi..haha..never mind..ajisen is good enough for now...I ordered the most spicy volcano ramen..It was shiok!!..It's been quite a while since i ate such spicy food...Marvellous..After dinner, we went to douby exchange to look around before heading over to The Cathay to watch RV-runway vacation..It's a funny comedy...



Thursday, June 15, 2006
Moulding and framing my future..

Today is a double lesson day.. The lesson for ceramics was conducted at the old NAFA campus.. The whole ceramic class was made up of 2 classes..there is a total of 15 people taking this lesson..out of it only 3 males. So pathetic! For the start of the 1st lesson, the teacher let us have a feel of touching the clay and playing with it..She told us to make whatever we like..In the end, i made something with i am not sure also..kind of like a special tea set..Haha..The lesson ended quite early for today because we got no tools to do anything more than moulding with hands...We decided to go to a prata shop near the new NAFA campus to have a bite..

After eating, we proceed to our next lesson which is photography..Today, we will be doing cropping of pictures to create interesting images out of the original..Kind of fun..more homework was added after the lessons..Woot..the challenge is on! Today is junfeng's birthday..Happy 21st!! must enjoy with your GF..Haha!!

I saw a news report just's about No smoking area in coffeeshops..Woot..Finally, our government is going to do something good..I just hope that it will last..and slowly people will kick this bad habit and lead a much healthier life..


Wednesday, June 14, 2006
An artwork a day drains my braincells away..

Today, i attended my 1st history of visual arts (HVA) lesson..It's a combine class lecture..The lecture was rather short..was supposed to be 3hrs but the lecturer ended after 2 is the 1st lesson and he already gave us a welcome gift..a presentation project where we will be doing on the topic that he gave us..It's a groupwork though..Luckily the presentation date we chose is on 19th of more time to do research and more time for other homework...My homework is piling up..Got to do an enlarged size still-life drawing..8 figure drawings..research for presentation...30 mini graphic design using merely dots...i might get heart Arttack soon..Haha..Oh well just gonna drain my energy and creativity only wat!

I am kind of excited about tomorrow's 3-D lesson..Will be touching on ceramics!! but come to think of it..i don't think tomorrow will be doing much..Hope that there will be surprises..Haiz..i am looking bad nowadays, my panda eye seems to caught up with me..I will soon be captured by the zookeeper..i did sleep for at least 7 hrs a day..just dunno what the reason..Maybe i have been dreaming too much at night..


Monday, June 12, 2006
It's a 3-D world

The world is so much alive when it is in 3-dimension!!..Today, my lesson touches more on 3-D..The teacher touches on volumn..How can a volumn be interesting? We were required to form into teams of 5 and came out with an composite artpiece..My team came up with an idea of a tower..individually, we will do our personal piece..My concept was to put a volumn inside another volumn..I was thinking of making an angel and put it inside to express the end, i did not put the angel inside.. In contrary, my classmate did a prison..Kind of funny..But overall, i am very satisfied..Forgot to took the overall composite photos..just took my own workpiece..


Sunday, June 11, 2006
Back to Basic..

Everything always have to start with basic..especially drawing. I am now going into figure drawing..still learning to draw out the skeleton and figure out the proportion of the human body..Next week need to hand up 8 skeletal sketches of a human body..did some draft...Yesterday was kind of tired...went to chunhoo's house to watch the opening match( friday cum saturday)..After that i went back home to catch some sleep before evening.. another match England vs Paraguay...That match was so boring loh...

I need to go prep liao..going to meet dezhi at PS for some coffee!! before meeting mingzhi and head for the movie "cars".


Friday, June 09, 2006
A Series Of Fortunate Events

Woo..Today is ben's birthday!! Hope you enjoy yourslf in sydney, Australia. Finally, it's the end of the week..There is so many things hapening today!! I had my lessons at 230pm .. it's a lesson that i had been waiting for-Figure drawing..Figure drawing is my worst nightmare...I sucks at drawing human...or i should say anything that moves...not sure of the technique in drawing..Today, i am so fascinated by how human figure is drawn..I kind of understand the basic technique to draw but i still required lots of practice..

Another event that falls on today is World Cup!! It's a once in 4 years event and it's opening today..Later, i will be going to chunhoo's house to watch world cup's opening match..Germany vs Costa Rico..I always like to support the i hope Costa Rico can win!!

The last event to be happy about is- I got my salary..Yeah!!$700+ not sure whther it is correct anot..Next week, i think i have to go down to Jurong CPF and check my statement..Haha!!


Thursday, June 08, 2006
Beary Birthday!!

Hoo..Today is jingliang's birthday!!..Long time never saw him already...My lessons starts 1130am today, the teacher told us to draw out something that represent our own identity..Hmm..Suddenly, i felt brainfreeze..I cannot think of my identity..In the end i just drew a person listening to music with inside a forest..I love music very much..i also like nature..Suddenly i feel that my drawing quite sucky..I am bad at drawing human, faces and expressions..I think i will need to practice more on that..

After the lesson, i went to commonwealth MRT station to meet up with kai quan..On the way, wenhao msg me...he asked me whether i want to meet up with him and dezhi..Instead i asked him whether he wanted to meet up with kai and me to go queensway shopping centre and buy JH's birthday present..Oh..chunhoo is the organiser btw..Haha!!At the commonwealth station, i remembered today is bear's birthday so we send him a mass sms..the msg goes "Bear! Happy 21st Bearday! A Papa Bear already!!, enjoy your day hor...Haha!!

After buying the present, kaiquan, wenhao, dezhi and me went to city hall and had dinner..I was famished..I didn't get to eat my lunch today..After some pondering, we decided to go subway and eat..After the dinner, we went to take a look at the lego exhibition at Raffles City..It's quite cool and the end, i didn't managed to drink any coffee..Never mind..there is always a next time..


Wednesday, June 07, 2006
本无归..Art best Friends

Waahh!!..I am broke..Today, my wallet just got a big hole.. I went to NAFA in the morning to sign up for my 2D/3D media design course..I went quite early..Kiasu mah..I scared that i cannot get into the course that i want...In the end, i am like the 1st few people to be there..I selected my 3D-ceramics and 2D-printmaking..I am quite bad at chinese ink painting..that is why i got no choice but to choose printmaking...come to think of it..actually printmaking is quite tedious..It requires a lot of work and focus..So now, i just have to wait for 14th of june to start my ceramics exciting...

After the selection, alvin, anthony, roger and i went to 四马路 hawker centre to settle our lunch..Today is Roger's 18th birthday..Congrats!!岁月不饶人..still remember my 18th birthday..That was my last birthday before i got enlist into NS..往事只能回味..We treated him to oyster omlette..

After lunch, we went to Bras Plaza to purchase all the necessary art materials..We were thinking of going ArtFriends but after taking a look at the prize, we decided to head over to popular instead..The popular at Bras Plaza is huge..I think that is the biggest popular in Singapore if i am not wrong...We saw a whole list of items to be bought and was quite shock!!..Furthermore, the list that we wrote is not even completed..There is more items installed for us to buy. In the end, i spent like $40 over at popular which is after 20% discount using the vouchers given to us during orientation..I still got mine but the expiry date is 30th June..Anyone got anything that u wanna buy can tell me..I can help u all buy! Hee..There is some items which we cannot find in popular, so we decided to go ArtFriends to buy..Some of the items were out of stocks, but we still spent about $15 on just a marker pad..Paper is so profound..I just cannot see the difference between layout pad and marker pad..They look and feels the same..

We will still be going down to ArtFriends on friday to buy the remaining stuffs which we were unable to get today...Come to think about it, i will be buying even more stuffs once i go for my ceramics and printmaking lessons..Haiz..someone save my WALLET!!


Tuesday, June 06, 2006
My 1st Sketch..After 4yrs

Today the schedule looks tedious but it's still quite ok...Today's 1st lesson, we had colour and 2D design lesson..but it's mainly on 2D though...For our 1st task we were asked to draw circle and make it look 3D..It's really been a while since i touch the pencil..felt kind of drawing seems to deteriote..i even forgotten how to shade properly...After that we got another exercise on making out drawings with dots from what we understand from the context...

In the afternoon, we had basic drawing and composition lesson..The lecturer was Mr David Tan..I still remember him because he is the one that gave me the chance to come into NAFA..Later i found out that he is an interior designer..It seems like i am quite lucky because during the interview i told him that i am really interested in studying interior design even though i don't have a portfolio to prove to him..i will treasure this chance..

During the lesson, we were instruct to draw still-art drawings on whatever objects that we can find..The drawing was separated into 4 sections: Outline Drawing, Line Drawing, Quick Sketch and Shading/Finished rendering. That means we have to draw it four times to show the progessive drawings to the final product. I guess i really need to improve my techniques in drawing in order to produce better workpiece..I always tend to sketch multiple lines..cannot really draw straight, single lines..If i need to do well i guess i will need to improve..

Tomorrow, i will be choosing my 2D & 3D media studies..I am still deciding between ceramics and metal smitting..Not sure which to choose 1st..The History of visual arts lesson is also basically, tomorrow my trip to NAFA is just to sign up for the course.. Never mind, i can take this chance to purchase all the art stuffs which i will be needed in future..


Monday, June 05, 2006
My 1st day in NAFA

Today went for my 1st lesson in NAFA..the lesson starts at 230pm..Met up with alvin and anthony at bugis control station..I was kind of craving for the 1st lesson after about 3 yrs not taking any lessons..When we reached there, i saw some of my classmate sitting outside the clssroom..Hmm..Why don't they want to go inside? I took the initaitive and scan my pass to enter..saw a female teacher inside alone..She was our 3D lesson teacher..

Today, i also found out that my class is actually not that small afterall..It seems like quite a number of them skip the orientation..there was like 5 unknown faces..Nvm..will get to know them soon..As for the lesson today, Mdm lim taught about 3D and all the basics..After some tutorials, she told us to each came out with 4 3D-designs using 5x5 cm papers with a straight cutting in between the paper..then she will judge on them..

After judging, she told us that we need to keep a small sketch book with us whenever we go to sketch down all the interesting we saw..she said it will be helpful for our assessments..tommorow the lessons kind of sian because in between got 4 hours classmate suggest watching wanna make every tuesday a movie day..


Sunday, June 04, 2006
Bad Hair Day!!

OMG!! Today is just not my day.. I woke up and went to the bathroom and ...ArghH....i just "shock" myself! My hair is in a total mess man and they were standing like i just got electricuted..So i decide to go to a salon and had a haircut..I kind of want to stay at long hair...I feel kind of lazy also today so i decided to just go to my neighbourhood salon and do my hair.. When i told the lady at the salon what i want..i just closed my eyes..felt kind of tired today..When i opened up my eyes..the lady said that it's done..i feel quite tired so i just paid and left without even taking a look..

When i went back home..i took a bath and went to take a nap...When i woke up again..i went to the bathroom and ARghhh!! Am i still dreaming or is my hair still the same...%$#@%$... I guess i will never be lazy and go to neighbourhood salon liao... I guess i will just wait for my hair to grow a bit longer before i go to a better known salon to cut my hair...


Saturday, June 03, 2006
工德圆满...It's a Mac Mac World's a tiring but great 12hrs that i had went through yesterday and today..Last night as planned, dezhi, chunhoo, zhen hao, his gf and me went to shenton way's party world to sing karaoke..So happening!! Even though i am working tomorrow for the last time, i still insist on going cause it's been a long time since i went K overnight...Chunhoo agrred to let me stayed over at his house..His house near Jurong CPF i don't need to rush down from my home instead.

Last night, we planned on meeting outside party world at 1030pm..chunhoo drove me to party world and we found out that it's fully booked. Zhenhao called and said that the next available timeslot would be at 12 am.. so we met up with dezhi who also drove to partyworld before we hop on to chunhoo's car and went to the nearest Mac at marina square bacause chunhoo wanted to grab a bite...After that, we drove back to partyworld to meet up with zhenhao and his gf...Hmm..seems like zhenhao got a great gf..

We got a room which we would be singing from 12am to 430am..It seems like the partyworld has extended their working hours to 6am..Good news for hardcore K personels like me..We started singing non-stop until 4am where zhenhao's gf need to go back already because she would be having driving lessons at 830am.. So, we decided to end the K sessions and head back to individual homes..Before we left, we decided to took some photos of our shack looks =) using dezhi's camera..~forgot to bring mine~ Just when chunhoo and i were about to leave, dezhi suggested that we go for breakfast at Kallang Mac..the one near the national stadium..We ate until 430am and this time we really kiss goodbye..By the time we reached chunhoo's house, it was already 5am+ ..Only left with about 2 hrs of sleep before i head to my last day of work..Believe it!! It's 2 hrs!!

I promised chitchin yesterday that i will be eating breakfast with him at JEC Mac at 730am..So i left chunhoo's house at 7am+.. As i had already eaten my breakfast earlier on the same decided to just accompanied him..

Last day of work at Jurong CPF board was a pleasant one with lots of compliments given to me saying that i served them better than the girls.. It's a great achievement for me today since i am not at my tip-top condition...*thumbs up for me.. Lastly, i would like to thanks everyone at Jurong CPF...Thanks for the guidance and laughter..See ya next time! I am going to replenish my energy already..physically and mentally drained.


Friday, June 02, 2006

Pedophilic Hard Gay

Hard gay is going pedophile...Hooo...He seems to get bolder day by's just the japan version of ricky martin man...Shake it bon bon..shake it bon bon..

Chiong Ah...

Later, i will be going for my final K at Party World Holiday Home KTV Karaoke at shenton way before putting all my concentration to my studies..Hee..tomorrow will be my last day at CPF board..I guess tomorrow i will be damn tired but never mind..I am a happy-go-lucky guy...What a way to end my job with!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Aiyo...My head suddenly feels so heavy..Today is RSM's COC..Couldn't make it..Though i feel like going after work but a gush of blood suddenly just rushed up to my head...Just a bad day man...Not gonna blog much today..just got too many unreasonable members today..